Every songwriter has a process. Mine usually starts in my head; I hear a melody, some guitar and vocal parts, maybe even a full band. The best part is I’m almost always on a run, in the shower, or on the way to the mechanic. It’s the exception to actually be sitting down with my guitar.
I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday. There was probably an egg involved, and maybe some orange juice. But, I really, really can’t remember my breakfast from 24 hours ago. Frankly, I struggle to remember the details of my daily experiences — the mundane, normal, and sometimes even grand moments that should be easy to recall. I just, well, forget.
Have you ever sat down with a friend and started day dreaming together? One of you starts with the beginning of an imaginary scenario, and together you build an entire story as crazy as you dare to make it. That’s pretty much the way Steve and I wrote “Rain.”
Better Cold Steel
Word Four / 2014 / Better Cold Steel / Dusti Jensen, Bryan Norton, Steve Whitby When it comes to the […]
So Well
Word Three / 2015 / So Well / Dusti Jensen, Bryan Norton, Steve Whitby One night Bryan, Steve and I […]
Face Down
When I went to write “Face Down” I was moved by the second criminal. There he was, hanging to die, and he knew exactly what he deserved. He believed he deserved death for what he had done. He had broken the laws, messed up, gotten caught, and he owned it.
Ungracious Heart
As I’m sitting down to write about the writing of Ungracious Heart, I’m also introducing you to our album. It feels like a big deal, this first post.
So I must get two things out in the open.